CPVSM 40-60

A highly reliable gear transmission
A belt-driven compressor has a higher risk of downtime and maintenance- related costs. Unscheduled belt tensioning and replacement cause productivity losses and there is always the risk of post-service belt misalignment. That is why the CPVSM comes with a gear drive transmission. You have no belts to replace and enjoy lower operating (service) costs. What is more, the CPVSM is 3% more energy efficient compared to belt-driven compressors.


  • Energy savings
    A CPVSM with VSD matches its air delivery to your actual need. That means it is not using – and wasting-energy when your demand for compressed air is lower. Typically, energy savings run in the double digits!
  • Reliable operations
    This is due to not having downtime for belt tensioning or replacement and a quiet and smooth gear transmission. High-capacity oil/air coolers and perfect air filtration ensure a long lifetime. Lastly, an unbeatable performance with the heavy-duty IP55 motors.
  • Connectivity for performance and reliability
    Remote connectivity, anywhere, any time. Notifications and shutdown alarms eliminate risk of downtime. Increased reliability with planned service interventions.

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